Settings and Control Panel

Settings and Control Panel

This tab lets you customize the options displayed on Windows Settings and Control Panel pages, while also modifying their appearance and layout.

Winaero Tweaker Settings and Control Panel

It has the following options:

  • Add Classic User Accounts: Enable the classic user accounts in the Control Panel.
  • Add Personalization: Add appearance and personalization options in the Control Panel.
  • Add Windows Update: Enable the Windows Update link control panel.
  • Disable Online & Video Tips in Settings: Disable the tips shown under Windows Settings.
  • Hide Pages from Settings: Select pages you do not want to see under Settings.
  • Insider Page: Hide/Show Windows Insider Program page under settings.

Add Classic User Accounts

Adding the classic user accounts in the Control Panel enables Windows to log into a user account automatically. You will also be able to add, remove, rename, and set a password for a user account. Besides these, you can perform various other actions.

Winaero Tweaker Add Classic User Accounts
  1. Go to Settings and Control Panel.
  2. Select Add Classic User Accounts.
  3. Select the Add Classic User Accounts to Control Panel checkbox.

Add Personalization

Enable the Windows Update link under the Control Panel and System and Security settings.

Winaero Tweaker Add Personalization
  1. Go to Settings and Control Panel.
  2. Select Add Windows Update.
  3. Select the Add Windows Update to Control Panel\System and Security.

Disable Online & Video Tips in Settings

Disable the tips in settings.

Winaero Tweaker Disable Online & Video Tips in Settings
  1. Go to Settings and Control Panel.
  2. Select Disable Online & Video Tips in Settings.
  3. Select the Disable Online and Video Tips in Settings.

Hide Pages from Settings

Windows allows you to hide pages from Settings.

Winaero Tweaker Hide Pages from Settings
  1. Go to Settings and Control Panel.
  2. Select Hide Pages from Settings.
  3. Choose a mode.
  4. Select the pages you want to show or hide based on the mode.

Insider Page

Show or hide the Insider Program page in Settings.

Winaero Tweaker Insider Page
  1. Go to Settings and Control Panel.
  2. Select Insider Page.
  3. Choose a mode.
  4. Select Hide Windows Insider Program Page from Settings checkbox.
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